Atlanta Teachers Partner with Primary Schools in Zimbabwe

Follow Abby and Melissa as they travel back to Zimbabwe this summer!

To read about our wonderful trip to Zimbabwe during the summer of 2011, click on the posts to the right! Thank you for all of your support, this would not have been possible with out you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 2: July 21

Written by: Abby

Today began wonderfully; with a good night's rest behind us, we jumped out of bed ready to go... Well, some of us jumped. Others took their mornings a bit more gradually! Jedd, Kathy, Melissa, and I got up and gathered near the coffee station. It was one of the best cups of coffee of my life!

Chris came over to chat with us and invited the four of us (the others were still waking up!) to go for a walk on "the rock." We immediately agreed and followed him through the bush to one of Matopo Hills' famous rocks. We climbed up and were amazed... by the view, by this opportunity, and all the experiences we know we have in store for us. Upon our return to camp, we were served a delicious breakfast of porridge, bread, peanut butter, cereal, and French toast!

After breakfast, we met with Chris to chat about the details of our trip and our visits to the schools, and to ask questions. He is a wonderful storyteller and a great historian. Before lunch, we went on a quick walk to the rock again and checked out various kinds of lichen: orange, green, gray, yellow, and Chris told us about resurrection plants which turn green in water or rain but look dead in the winter. We've become friends with little Chee-Chee and Prince who live on the farm at Diamond's (their father) house (a farm worker).

In the afternoon, we met with Patson and Chris to discuss the schools we will be visiting and hash out our home-stay plans. A short nap/ down time prepared us for a trip to Dennis's farm (Chris's neighbor). We rode in a South African fire truck, most of us hanging on in the back. It was fun, bumpy, and a bit wild and dangerous. We finished our first full day in Zimbabwe by the campfire eating at a briee, or barbeque, for dinner. Yum!

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